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Civita di Bagnoregio

Immagine del redattore: What a wonderful ItaliaWhat a wonderful Italia

Aggiornamento: 18 mag 2020

Civita (VT), Lazio

Civita di Bagnoregio is a small town located near Viterbo, in the upper Lazio region. It is called "the city that dies" by virtue of the fact that it was abandoned long ago, and left empty.

Civita di Bagnoregio is located on the top of a hill between the valleys formed by the Chiaro and Torbido streams, perched on a rock spur overlooking the wide valley rippled by the gullies. Unfortunately, this position is the result of an erosion that sees the tufaceous spur progressively thinned on an underlying unstable clay layer.

But when the city was founded by the Etruscans about 2,500 years ago, it was not difficult to reach and above all it was situated in a very defensible position.

The oldest traces of human presence in the Civita area belong to very remote periods. In the following centuries a succession of hegemonies meant that the city was repeatedly attacked and oppressed, until a progressive abandonment also caused by earthquakes and landslides.

From this the name of "city that dies".

Only in the last 40-50 years the city has returned to life, as a continuous destination of visitors, fascinated by the characterization of the same.

This is also due to the creation of the bridge that you can admire in the first two photos, previously destroyed and now rebuilt, which has allowed an easy access to the city again.

The same two photos that you have just seen represent the starting point for the visit of the city, a time of free access, paid today to guarantee the maintenance work necessary to avoid collapses.

Once you have crossed the bridge you will arrive on the main street and admire the first square of Civita, really characteristic.

“It's an amazing town, a little diamond in the middle of Tuscia"

How to arrive?

Civita di Bagnoregio is close to Orvieto, on A1 highway. You can easily get there with A1, taking the exit "Orvieto" and following the road to Bolsena.

More simple using a smartphone, and the google maps location:

Where we can eat?

Our choise for lunch is "Romantica Pucci", hotel and restaurant.

It's a good restaurant and an amazing location for take a rest. Really romantic, and perfect for a special events with your partner.

Here the hotel and restaurant website.

More info about Civita di Bagnoregio:



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